The Loneliness of Motherhood and my Village building passion.

Hi Ladies. My name is Becky. I am an Army Vet, RN, turned stay at home mother of four rowdy kids. I am so busy that having a blog sounds crazy even to me! Let me tell you why I started this blog. 

I was frustrated and frankly lonely by this wonderful thing we call the information age! If you weren’t born into a highly social and big family that gathers regularly, then you probably know what I am talking about. 

Maybe you didn’t know it going through high school, college, or even at your first job because you have lots of time to be social when you're young and single.

When you start having kids and decide to stay at home to raise them…BOOM…ISOLATION! Factor in, that most people text or message each other instead of calling or stopping by, and it can get really lonely.

People have stopped connecting, gathering and helping each other. You know that old saying… takes a village. Well I am a total believer it that, especially here in America during the information age. 

So here I am, trying to build a village to help each other connect, share tips, products, life experiences and maybe just thrive…instead of only surviving!

I do want to bring income in to our household as a stay at home mom. Something that doesn’t require a warehouse of inventory and shipping. I do want to contribute and partner with my husband financially, even though he doesn’t need it. 

BUT MOSTLY I WANT TO CONNECT AUTHENTICALLY WITH LIFE AND PEOPLE. Yep….when I dug, really dug into that feeling of wanting more and that something missing, the crux of it…was connection.

I want to connect with other women and moms, share dreams, support each others goals and businesses, grieve each others losses, and cheer each other on. As women, one of our superpowers is the connection we have with each other if we just try.

Below you will find a brief description of each section of my website menu.


Product Reviews

Click on the above “Product Reviews” menu to find products I have tried and love. I prefer to right positive reviews rather than negative. If you have a type of product you would like reviewed, feel free to email me ideas. If you are a company and want me to try it, also send me an email.

Tips snd Tricks

Here you will find little things from organizing to how to that just doesn’t fit into another category.

Mental Health

A subject full of stigma but such a necessary topic to discuss. Don’t be afraid to take care of this aspect of your life. It is no different that physical health and just as important.


Wisdom - Life Experiences

This section is where you will find subjects like learning to bravely be authentic, following or not following your dreams, and other life experiences that I have had a moment of clarity that maybe will help you in similar situations.

Kids Stuff

Here you will find kid products or kid related stuff that I have reviewed or tips I have tried and had success.

Our Heavenly Father

A subject that should be the first in our lives, but often gets our leftover time. I am guilty too. Here I share books, videos, podcast that have helped me at different points in my walk with my Heavenly Father.